5,4,3,2,1 Mindfulness Technique



Mindfulness helps us recognise the two modes in our brain (being and doing) and switch between them. It is also awareness without judgement and it teaches us simple techniques to help ground and calm our minds so that we can inhabit our own spaces even when we don’t like the feelings that are there.

The main idea is to switch off the autopilot and the ’doing’ mode. When we’re in the doing mode our mind has to hold and then compare 3 things simultaneously;

  1. Our current state

  2. Where you want to be, your desired outcome

  3. Where you don’t want to be or the outcome you want to avoid.

The doing mode is brilliant for achieving tasks, goals and for external problems. The difficulties arise when the issues become internal, this mode of thinking stops serving us.

Using the 3 points above consider;

  1. I’m unhappy (current state)

  2. I wish I were happier

  3. I don’t want these horrible feelings to come back.

The mind needs to keep the gap between that kind of person we are and the kind of person we want to be, but this just reminds us how much we are falling short of where we feel we want to be.

This is where we get stuck and end up trying to use logic or reason to work our way out of how our bodies are feeling. Essentially our mind is trying to get rid of the unhappiness by thinking its way out of the problem.

What can we do?

  • Learn to recognise worry and 'driven' doing as they arise.

  • Cultivate an alternative modes of mind that allows us to respond more skilfully to unpleasant emotions.

Sounds a bit complicated, doesn't it? Well it really isn't. I have a pdf created in my download section on my website to help you get started. I use the technique when out and about or sitting having a cup of tea and my mind is racing or when anxieties are high, which, let's face it can be very frequently these days. I also use it with my kids and I use it in sessions I'm delivering. It's not about getting through the technique as a tick box exercise either, ( I see all you doers setting yourself your next goal!! ) sometimes you might get through all of the senses or a full 20 minutes if you're at your favourite sit spot. Other times you won't. That's okay. Be gentle with yourself and if you're a serious do-aholic its going to take time to create those pathways in your brain that allow you to switch modes.

I am always amazed at the calm I feel internally after practising it. If you give it a go. I'd love to hear how you get on. Hit reply or DM me on any of my platforms.

Rachel x


Sticks, Grief and Graveyards


It’s the Little Things continued…